Example of speedy Psy-Tap technique: Anger Management
Currently the British Association of Anger Management is offering a 30 hour
programme to help people manage their anger…30 hours!
Psy-Tap can stop anger in one second.
So… try this. Think of something now that you can get angry about, scale it on a scale measure of 1 -10, with 10 being furious and 1 being nothing but a memory. Now take the index and second finger of your right hand and push down on the little finger of your left hand (pushing it away from the third finger). Done?
Good … now whilst doing that: try to get angry. And find you cannot. Witchcraft?… No, a simple function, when you do that with your hands you are unable to make a fist, if you are unable to make a fist the signal goes to the fight or flight response action of the amygdala and turns it off. If it is rage, then do the same but also drop your jaw so it is loose..if you cannot clench your teeth you cannot do rage either.
This simple technique gives you immediate control over whether you wish to be angry or not. There are times where anger may be appropriate. This simple technique enables you to decide. You should be able to choose anger or not to have anger. This is Anger Management and it takes one second.
The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. - Socrates