Training to become a OldPain2Go® Certified Practitioner
is available worldwide online & in the Netherlands live
Monique Vrolijken was the first authorised trainer outside the UK and new Practitioners in NL and globally are added on a regular basis.
Training is available for those having a proven record in mental/ physical healthcare and wellness or in coaching. This includes: therapists, naturopaths, (health) coaches, physiotherapists & other healthcare/wellness providers. Training is available in Dutch & English and your acceptance to the training is upon decision by the trainer after the intake.
With 1:5 people suffering from chronic pain there is a huge need for more Certified Practitioners in the Old Pain 2 Go Methodology. It also means there will be a (new) large client base waiting for you from day one.
You will be trained in the stand alone OldPain2Go® methodology, learn how to remove old pain, inflammation & tension, learn the concept of Brain Bargaining™, learn how to help clients with fibromyalgia, CFS and ME, how to release trapped nerves, how to remove lifelong back pain
using AutoSomatics™ and learn the principles of allergy reduction / removal. There will be a demo with a volunteer and trainees can propose volunteers to the trainer too.
It is a flexible methodology which blends in easily with any coaching or therapy skills already in use by you.
This methodology may radically change how you work with clients; it produces fast, safe, effective and lasting results. Clients that have not had successes with other treatments (or pain medication) often make very swift and totally pain free transitions to a far better life and are usually stunned and very grateful. This makes the work very satisfying.
The training is one full day live or 5-6 hours online. It will enable you to work straight away on simple old pain removal while you build up to more complex cases and emotional pain removal as you develop and become more experienced. Easy pain removal for OldPain2Go® Practitioners are: arthritis, pain from old injuries and back problems.
Certified Practitioners are granted access to the following benefits (subject to terms and agreements):
- Registration at Head Office as a Certified Practitioner in Old Pain2Go®
- Licence to work worldwide as OldPain2Go® Certified Practitioner.
- Membership of the Cert. Practitioners Facebook group where experiences, Q & A, and results are shared.
- Permanent access to all training videos, hand-outs, files and all other materials.
- Directory entry on the OldPain2Go Certified Practitioners list, including a link to your own website, facebook page, phone, email and location.
- Use of the OldPain2Go® brand, (permission subject to terms & conditions).
- One year free methodology updates as and when they are created.
- The opportunity to become a Master Practitioner. (This is awarded to those who meet the aim of the OldPain2Go®brand: client care & respect plus extensive experience in using the methodology to help people out of suffering).
- The opportunity to become a Trainer in OldPain2Go® Methodology. (This is an earned privilege based on experience in using the methodology and the ability to teach).
Training investment group training 2019 location Amstelveen:
€445,- (min. 5 participants) incl syllabus tea/coffee and certificate
Online training available wordlwide:
€445,- shared online training,
On location training in the Netherlands:
possible on request, min. 6 participants.
For general info on the OldPain2Go® methodology, please see:
Contact Monique
for more info, course dates & availability.