Please read the additional explanation regarding the above-mentioned diseases and the philosophy of OldPain2Go®:
how these diseases reveal themselves and what you can do to get rid of this.
Attention: If you do not take the time to fully read this explanation, OldPain2Go® is simply not (yet) for you.
With this method we can only help people who are willing to do what is needed to restore.
We have the solution.
The Red Thread:
If you have been diagnosed with one of the aforementioned conditions, the explanation and theory below may help you to understand what is going on, so that you can choose the route of recovery.
This theory (and the conclusion) is the result of intensive research into the search for the cause of these diseases and the frequent and worldwide working by OldPain2Go® (Master) Practitioners with clients suffering from fibromyalgia (FM), CFS, Burn-out, M.E. and some other specific pains..
The results are fantastic and lasting.
People who are chronically tired (CFS), have chronic pain, have fibromyalgia (FM) or a burn-out, often recognise themselves in the following:
they are 'driven' people with a great heart (read: business, family & other activities), they are initiators who take action, help others and rarely say 'no'.
And most probably that is precisely the cause of the problems.
To remove all prejudices: people with the above mentioned issues are not lazy, nor is the pain or tiredness "in between the ears".
And despite the fact that all those affected experience very different symptoms and levels of pain, fatigue and inability, all have one thing in common: how the disease started and how it progressed.
Is this story below recognisable?
You are probably a driven personality and in the past you have gone to the extreme: mentally, physically or emotionally.
Often more than your body could handle and usually with greater care for others than for yourself.
The illness begins with one or more of the following events: a viral infection, a serious illness, vaccination, severe stress, a traumatic accident / incident or the experience as if 'the energy plug had been pulled out' (= trigger point).
Several weeks later when you anticipate you should be feeling better, you now have the illness that gives you the chronic fatigue and pain symptoms. This continues for many years, if not for life, whilst you become more and more frustrated by lack of diagnosis, answers or remedies. You often hear: "you just have to learn to live with it."
You may even accumulate more illnesses as your immune system overloads. At some point you will feel so low for so long that your internal voice will keep repeating a phrase that reflects the terrible thought that you are never going to recover. As you rarely look poorly, you also have the issue of not only feeling very ill but having to convince others that you are. Their comments are far from helpful and are in total opposition to the driven person you know you are. This adds to the pressure and continues the downward spiral. At times you may be lucky enough to feel a bit better but whilst playing catch up with life you find it is the pain and fatigue that catches you up!
We have found out that almost everyone with CFS or FM recognises themselves in this story. The fact that no two people have the same set of symptoms or degree of debility is why no cure has been found so far (and is why pharmaceutical companies will not invest in research). However, it is not the absence of the same symptoms but the fact that the stories do match that have led us to the following conclusion:
We all have an excellent survival mechanism that is run by the same processing system that controls all your bodily parts and functions. In order to protect you in a situation of severe overload it shuts you down. Not just a trip switch it actually carefully shuts YOU down in the best way for YOU. This ensures your immobility and even dampens your mental capacity. This is to conserve energy to recover from whatever initial trigger occurred and to stop you from doing further damage (in the same way doctors put people in a coma to recover from head injuries). It stays like that until it is convinced you won’t carry on in the same “driven” way. Unfortunately “driven” is your nature and the more you fight the illness the more it thinks you need to be immobilised, hence why this goes on for years or even the rest of your life!
Pain and Fatigue are natures way to stop you, as is brain fog, migraines and blurred vision (so you can’t even watch TV). Your survival mechanism actually could not have done better for you, thanks to its totally unique blend of symptoms designed especially for stopping you! Whilst that was a great defence at the time, stopping you from possibly fatal consequences, it is now the protective shield you are pinned under!
It is no coincidence that many of your symptoms will be similar to stress related illnesses such as: bowel problems, fatigue, brain fog, changing vision, autoimmune problems, sleeping problems or other unwarranted pain. This is because you are now constantly in a stressed state, being in a situation you have no control over.
Pain is a message to us to stop what we are doing and concentrate on getting “fixed”. The greater the perceived damage the greater the pain level to ensure you do all that is necessary. Your pain will continue whilst it is thought necessary by your instinctual processes. The pain will only go when it feels safe that you will NOT keep pushing yourself to the limit. You cannot fight this illness, it will make it worse! Your pain will continue whilst it is thought necessary by your instinctual processes. The pain will only disappear once the brain receives confirmation that you will NOT push yourself to the limit, you learn to respect your limits and that you listen to the signals.
A metaphor as an example: You are driving too fast!
Imagine you are driving at 100 miles an hour in a 50 miles zone. But you get there slower than others who drive at 50 miles an hour because you get pulled over by the police at every lay-by for half an hour. You then run at 120 mph trying to play catch-up and get pulled over even longer by the police who may even suspend your licence for a while. Your 100 mph spurts and your idle time in the lay-bys give you an average speed of about 10 mph.
So: On this road (of life) you are now faced with a choice: either take it slower and drive the same speed as everyone else or you do not learn from this experience and take the consequences (= chronic pain or fatigue) for granted. The choice is yours!
Recognise yourself?
If you recognise yourself in the story and in the above description of pain intensifying and spreading then I have good news for you. If you do not recognise the driven personality and 'activities' but you do acknowledge that you have regularly crossed your own boundaries, in whatever way, the following also applies to you.
The “Protective State” you are in now can only continue whilst it thinks it is doing the right thing for you. You can get in touch with that part of the brain which orchestrates this and reason with it. You cannot however lie to it (it 'hears' your deepest thoughts!). You will only recover when you accept a new way of being and doing. You will have to learn to let go, realise there are many things you cannot control, that other people can do things instead of you, that you can’t run everything, that saying NO is a good thing, that your life has to come first. You cannot try to fool your subconscious mind and nervous system that you are a changed person if you are not.
"Releasing" the pain itself is a relatively simple process.
However, it is not "turned off" if the brain still has reason to think that this pain is necessary for you.
During the session, agreements must be made with the brain (the so-called Brain Bargaining ™) whereby you agree to respect your physical, mental or emotional limits. Then the pain is turned off.
However, if (after the pain or fatigue has stopped) you do not stick to the agreements made, ignore the signals or go over your limits again, the pain and fatigue will simply come back and weaken you again: out of protection!
In short: no change by you = no change in pain or fatigue
because if you keep doing what you always did you will always get what you always got.
If you have been referred to this page for help with Fibromyalgia, M.E., C.V.S. or Specific Chronic Pain you can make an appointment for an assessment consultation if you really want to be pain-free and are prepared to adjust your lifestyle.
Monique will then guide you through your process.